In yet another quick-type-and-submit climate change story, the Associated Press has reported that Italy's Marmolada glacier is shrinking (see story here). While there is no doubt that the glacier is becoming more unstable, Italy's scientists clearly should be able tell the difference between a glacier that is melting and one that is evaporating. Unless, they just aren't looking and are promoting the U.N. Climate Change Agenda.
Yes, Ice Evaporates
Known as freezer burn or freeze dried, the science behind how and why ice evaporates has been around since NASA used the technology to make light weight and nutritious food products for space travel. Remember: Freeze Dried Ice Cream. The same principle has a place in nature as well.
So if this is a well-recognized principle, why does the AP article mention Italy's drought in the first line but defaults to the more politically correct culprit of warming temperatures. That's a good question.
Glacier Health
Glaciers are repositories of billions of gallons of fresh water transported from coastal areas to mountain tops by, of all things, clouds made of water vapor and impuritiesl like dust and fossil fuel emissions. Without such impurities, clouds cannot reach the glacier in sufficient quantities to keep it healthy. That is what causes drought, not high temperatures.
As for the difference between melting and evaporating, that's easy. Water that melts from a glacier settles into cracks and grooves making it more solid when it refreezes overnight. Evaporation due to a cold, dry wind creates thinner and three-dimensional ice loss, like an ice cube tray that has been left alone for too long in the freezer. Don't your ice cubes seem to disappear. Same principle.
Someday, maybe the Associated Press will learn to check all their facts before running with a climate change story that is only half true. When we realize that fossil fuels are not endangering our planet, nature will quickly and efficiently dump feet of snow in the Italian Alps and restore its glaciers to their natural beauty.