Sunday, May 29, 2022

Climate Change 2022: Meteorologist Know What Causes Global Warming And It Isn't CO2 Gas!

** Today my favorite weatherman clearly stated that the "heating of the day" was clearly the result of--well CLEAR skies and sunny conditions.  How is it then that the Biden administration is moving forward with plans to extort money from Wyoming coal producers and other utility companies using the myth of CO2 as an excuse.  Sadly, this extortion will then be paid for by average Americans while the money is given away to support Ukraine and NATO.    


There! . . . Did you hear it? . . . That brief comment on the local weather report in hundreds of locations each and every day.  In simple words, it explains why some days are hotter than others yet never tracks or mentions CO2 levels. It goes something like this. 

"Today's temperatures will be more moderate due to the cloud cover that is expected in advance of the front. By now, you know that clouds protect us from the Sun's rays on clear days and insulate us on clear nights, Temperatures will remain more comfortable. This will also translate into a lower risk of extreme weather unlike those hot clear days with pop-up thunderstorms and threats of high winds, and tornadoes. Keep up with all things weather by using your local weather app or check out our website for more information about storm preparedness."

Gee, isn't that interesting? Not a single mention of carbon dioxide levels but a clear statement that clouds keep the Earth even tempered--clouds that some label air pollution when all they are is water vapor.  Why then do NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the NWS (National Weather Service), support climate change initiatives that are clearly in conflict with what they tell us everyday?

NOAA Does Not Track Carbon Gases

In looking through different weather apps and services, CO2 levels are absent.  Consider the following:

  • NOAA does not track actual CO2 levels but uses a computer simulation program to ESTIMATE the CO2 produced by fossil fuels. Last published data was (I think) 2018.
  • All CO2 molecules have the same structure. While NOAA tells the public it can track CO2 in difference places and from different sources, there is NO proof that it has that capability--especially since it does not appear to test for CO2 in the first place.
  • NOAA does not include CO2 levels in factoring air quality which is also a computer generated formula that is not standardized but frequently outsourced to data creation services.  There is no indication that air quality is ever actually tested on an hour by hour basis in any location in the United States.
  • NOAA has no Truth-In-Advertising requirement for such data unlike private businesses and individuals.  Based on the Supreme Court's recent position on the the President's ability to evaluate infrastructure for unspecified "social" climate change risk???, the Court has apparently said it is acceptable for the federal government to apply an arbitrary, and impossible to track, standard for private business to which it does not hold itself.

Also consider these interesting facts to see the CO2 myth for what it is. 

1. Underwater plants use CO2 just like ground level plants. It is normal to have CO2 in all bodies of water.  To remove it would cause these plants to die and seas creatures to die. Like land, the temperature of the water is related to the degree of direct sunlight, not the amount of CO2 in the water (Just like your swimming pool).

2. Plants give off CO2 when the sun goes down because they cannot continue to process CO2 without light. They continue to grow after the sun goes down by using oxygen in the same manner as animals.

3. If CO2 made the World warmer, Summer would be coolest season because fossil fuels are not needed to heat homes, there is less need for lights and better availability of solar and wind power.

4. After thirty years of growth, a mature tree will provide shade for approximately 700 sq.ft. of space (roughly the size of a one bedroom apartment. Clouds, which form continuously can shade hundreds of acres at a time included tall buildings and massive structures. Which makes more sense?

Shame on NOAA

It is with utter disappointment that American citizens are beginning to realize that their government has been the primary source of climate change misinformation for over forty years.  Perhaps, some of these mistakes can be chalked up to fear of one's job, ignorance of science and focus on data, along with cultural brainwashing that blamed a simple three atom molecule for human error.

Regardless of how this happened, it is time for our Commander-In-Chief, who voted on most of these measures since 1972, to act ethically and face up to the reality that everything he is currently doing to "help" the environment is likely causing more damage.  

If you can't explain it without a computer, then it isn't real Science, Mr. President.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Climate Change 2022: The Science and Benefit of Burning Trash

** As the Federal Government gets ready to lower the boom on companies with massive environmental regulations that are not used by the government themselves or shown to be anything more than computer generated data, please remember that the EPA can control local and state governments but not private individuals.  Banning gas stoves is just such a move to intimidate average citizens to spend (and increase inflation) based on an environmental policy that is likely the cause of poor public health and erratic weather.  Burning trash can help prove these policies are based on opinion rather than fact.  BUT, please do not do anything against local and state ordinances. 


As we go into another summer that is predicted to be hotter and more dangerous than the last, its time to considered the old ways of maintaining environmental health rather than accepting the unproductive, expensive methods of carbon capture and global recycling that World leaders seem to prefer. One example of environmentally based waste management is to burn trash as it is created. In fact, there is a chance that burning trash could quickly and effectively deal with global warming in a matter of months instead of decades.

Let's Burn Our Trash!!!

Wait, before you even think it, you are right. Some regulatory agencies might take exception to individuals burning their own trash, and there are neighbors who might complain. Finally, a dozen medical experts will claim we are endangering millions of people with quack science,  In the explanations below, you will see why burning trash was used for so many years and why it could actually improve the health of the global population.

1.  It is sanitary

In a post-COVID, Hepatitis, MonkeyPox, Avian Flue, etc. world, the idea that masks, chemical disinfection and social distancing can be as effective at PREVENTING outbreaks as high heat has not been proven over time. Discarded items such as tissues, used masks, and paper and plastic utensils as well as leftover food can carry bacteria and viruses to others through trash disposal systems, even giving some germs a safe haven for replication and adaptation. Burning is cheap and highly effective and was so common that many urban buildings were equipped with basement trash incinerators that quietly and systematically took care of the problem with little or not disruption.

2. Burning releases natural disinfectants.

Ironically, as the healthcare and safety industries adopt strict regulations for pollutants, agencies such as the FDA, EPA and CDC ignore the fact that those same substances are common in our medicines and household cleaning products,  Understandably, the pubic has a hard time accepting that moderate exposure to chlorine, sulfur, ammonia and other natural disinfectants is safe and has health benefits for not only humans but for other species as well.  Starting with water vapor (steam) which comes off any fire  (500 degrees+), air that warms to at least 170 degrees F will be free of contaminants.  Not only good for humans, such disinfection improves the environment for all  creatures in the animal kingdom.  As for the rest of these gases, they typically form a series of compounds which are lighter than air.  In the upper atmosphere, they combine with water vapor to produce rain that deposits valuable nutrients back into the soil. 

3.  Burning releases water vapor and reduces methane output.

For those who are intimidated by chemistry, think of trash as a very complex puzzle with thousands of tiny pieces and one rule--you can only use a piece once.  By covering over trash to keep it from smelling, we force bacteria to do the work of a fire in a much slower and drawn out process.  The bacteria use up the oxygen in the trash leaving hydrogen sulfide and methane as the primary by-products. However, if trash is burned, the oxygen partners up with the hydrogen and you get water vapor. Of course, there is some dirt and other stuff but these components are removed from the air with every passing rain shower. Which would you rather have water or smelly gases that no one likes?

4.  Burning aids cloud formation that reduces day time temperatures and brings rain. 

 Somewhere along the line as climate change fears grew, science confused air pollution with rain clouds. Both look dark and both make it a gloomy day. The difference is that air pollution is based on gases that only occur when chemicals are burned in an unnatural way, such as memory foam in a house fire. Another common pollutant was lead oxide which occured when lead was added to gasoline after it was refined. Thankfully, leaded gasoline was banned in 1996 but our impressions of dark clouds being automatically harmful has not changed.  Fires from natural fuel sources have white or light grey smoke while chemical fires have black smoke.  Black smoke during a wildfire may not be a result of the trees but the burning of chemicals in homes or the chemical fire retardants used by firefighters.

The point is burning small amounts of trash at a time, produces light colored smoke that collects higher up in the atmosphere and forms clouds which attract rain. The darker the cloud the more rain in it.  

5. Burning saves space

One of the best reasons to burn trash is the thousands of acres taken up by land fills and dump sites that could be used for other purposes.  Recycling glass and metal containers along with burning paper products could substantially decrease the area needed for disposal. It would be much less dangerous for wildlife and not morph into an uneven landscape as trash decomposes in an uneven fashion.  

6.  Burning saves and can even creates energy. 

Again, if chemistry is not your thing, that's fine but some scientists misinterpret information. An example, while plastic drink bottles, clothing and disposable tableware are all made from crude oil, the process of making them in the first place removes all the bad heavy metals and leaves a solid burnable compound.  Shredded plastic could provide a viable energy source for manufacturing as a substitute for crude oil or methane. How many seabirds, fish or other forms of wildlife could have been saved had science and politicians not over-reacted to the plastic craze?

As for saving energy, the global recycling market uses far more energy than it saves. The United States sends tons of recycled materials to other countries for disposal. Using trash as an energy source could cut our dependency on alternative energy considerable.  While alternative energies like ethanol, solar and wind power are good in theory, they are also finicky and weather dependent. Trash, however, is a steady supply that is always as close as your back yard.  

Right and Wrong Ways to Burn Trash

If you decide to support the environment by burning trash, there is a right and a wrong way to do it.  Here are some guidelines. 

  • Follow all local and state guidelines for burning.
  • Never burn in a closed or covered area. 
  • Expect criticism from climate change advocates. They prefer complicated answers not time proven solutions. 
  • Plan to burn in the late evening or at night. 
  • Always use a metal container or fit pit.  Fire safe trash cans are available but can be pricey. A large metal drum will work if you cut air holes in the side for ventilation. *Remember: Nothing burns without oxygen so it has to be well ventilated. 
  • Locate well away from any buildings or trees. 
  • Small batches work best and can even be burned in a camp site or patio fire pit. 
  • Make sure the fire is out before retiring for the night or leaving home. Damage caused by unattended fires is the responsibility of the owner. 

Capturing carbon may be great for the economy but it will mean a hotter and dry summer for us all. Burning trash may not be socially acceptable at this point in time but it is far more environmentally friendly than any Clean Air Policy currently on the books.  

 Good Luck!!

Monday, May 16, 2022

Climate Change Reailty Check:: If We Were Meant to be Solar Based, Wouldn't Man Be GREEN!! (Commentary)

Generally, it isn't smart to mix factual science with faith-based beliefs but as industrialized countries embark on a dozen or more radical solar, carbon-capturing and wind energy initiatives that are untested at best, one wonders why modern science is so determined to fiddle with a pretty good situation. Doesn't it seem likely that if mankind were meant to live off the sun's energy, he would have been made green from the beginning? Regardless of who you believe is responsible for iits beginning--a Spiritual Being, alien colonists from another planet or Darwin's Theory of Evolution, what right does a small group of extremists have to dictate changes to a planet that is both unique and functional.

Perhaps a bit of perspective is in order to remind environmental purists how homo-sapiens already fare in the natural World.  Will they be embarrassed by their attitude or will they feel even more entitled to living conditions that prove how weak a species man really is?

1.  Man is the only species that does not live in the home Nature created for him. 

As glorious as cultural architecture is, it is in no way similar to the forests, caves or water that support the rest of the World's beings.  Even the tents of nomads and shanties of refugees offer more shelter than is provided for animals on the plains or fish in the sea.  What right do we have to expect climate-controlled accommodations when other life forms go it alone? So what if the Earth is a little hotter than it was fifty years ago. All ohter species manage, why can't man?

2. Man is the only species that needs an energy source to survive.

Certainly, our opposable thumbs and brains helped in letting our species thrive but it is fire that was the big difference in ancient man's success.  By all other accounts, man had little to keep him from  becoming extinct long ago. Have any of our climate advocates every thought that the smoke and dirt from 5,000 thousand years of fires provided something more than creature comforts.  Probably not.  While people now complain about the acrid smell, burning was nature's method of recycling resources equally across all life forms.

3.  Man is the only species that creates trash and will not allow it to decompose or degrade. 

Until recently, burning trash at night was a common and acceptable practice.  One interesting point in this regard is that paper is made of organic cellulose. If our country burned its paper instead of recycling it, approximately 60% of its weight would be release as water vapor (1 pound to 10 oz of water) Unfortunately, California and other drought hit areas choose to believe smoke is dangerous. InS real life, smoke creates clouds that carry rain and shield the land from the sun. By not burning trash, we make our environment dryer and hotter. Removing all the CO2 in the World will not make the temperature go down without clouds in the sky.

4. Man is the only species that feels he has to "work" at something other than finding food, sleeping, protecting himself against harm and tending children and family members

 As the stock market prepares for a recession, people around the World are concerned about a global slow down.  Do people really have to work as much and as hard as they do to provide the basics or is this a mindset forced upon us for the benefit of the elite?

5. Man is the only species that expects its food to be planted, grown, harvested, transported, prepared and delivered to him.  

Even in the most rural of communities in Southeast Asia, Africa and South America, people who live in cities expect food to come to them.  Like male lions they assume food is available for the asking without regard for what it takes to provide it.  A global economy takes food for granted and urban mindsets recommend plant based diets without knowing anything about nutrrition..  Moreover, as the air becomes cleaner, it loses its ability to be the first primary source of nutrients for the poor and disadvantaged.  The nitrogen and sulfur that is now restricted per EPA guidelines can no longer support bodily functions for any animal.  Not surprising, the pharmaceutical companies have made billions by providing those same compounds as drugs and supplements, fertilizers and such.

It's All About Balance

If you haven't figured it out by now, the balance between life forms that produce food (aka, energy) and those which use it is the reason this worked well for thousands of yearsl. Human beings are clearly users in this system. The species refusal to burn organic fuels (trees, paper, oil, coal, blubber, peat etc.) and release the chemical bonds of elements needed for life is the cause of climate change.  

By trying to be a producer of energy, we abandoned our job as part of nature and nature has had to resort to all kinds of catastrophic weather events to tear down what man wants to build.   Without fire, the atmosphere lacks the compounds that keeps all life happy and healthy.  By naively proclaiming all smoke harmful, environmental advocates handicapped nature's system of providing health to all creatures. 

If we want to end climate change, it will require us to abandon clean energy and use moderation to give Nature what it needs to make clouds and bring rain and shade. Otherwise, it will be one HOT, HOT summer.



Thursday, May 12, 2022

Climate Change 2022: Let's Review What Has Happened and Where We Now Stand (A FACS Teacher Explains)

   Original Text Posted May 12, 2022

Two weeks ago, there were signs that World leaders had learned the importance of restraint concerning climate change initiatives.  Now as Bill Gates, former Secretary John Kerry (now US Climate Change Envoy) and other hard line climate scientists attempt to whip the World into a climate-focused frenzy ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in October, the dialogue is regrettably similar.  That leaves only one thing to do. As any good teacher does from time to time, it's time to review what we have learned and what we have not yet mastered.

Unlike other subjects which students forget as soon as they pass the test, Family and Consumer Science is about learning for a lifetime.  After all, life is one LONG test, is it not?

What Happened? 

1. In 2021, President Joe Biden proposed a HUGE spending package which would have implemented several infrastructure and social programs related to climate change. While the larger package failed in December, Biden has been busy putting some of his environmental programs into place by drawing from other departments.  While money was already budgeted to fund such military actions as those in Ukraine, Congress chose to use that event to pass a smaller spending package that not only funded $13 billion for Ukraine by also opened the door to additional climate change projects. In late May, Biden will restart 1970s era environmental guidelines for federally funded infrastructure projects. Those projects may now be required to adhere to unproven and, in most cases, impossible to measure carbon tracking methods. Clearly designed to look good on paper for the United Nations and our European allies these tracking methods do not appear to be in use by the Federal government for any of its own programs. Clearly expecting the American people to "do as I say, not as I do" these initiatives have the potential to add further fuel to the inflation fire.  Based on statements by Biden, himself, Kerry and Gates, the current concern is NOT the health or welfare of the global population but the status of its economy. Biden has repeatedly voiced expectations for Americans to pay the price for aid given to allies which are far more well-off than we are.   Mr. President, you are not JFK and for 60 years, the American people have stepped up to support those in need only to be expected to give more. 

2.  In early April, 2022, the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres went off the rails in a statement claiming that World leaders were disregarding the eminent danger to the planet.  Again, the report he cited gives a conclusion but does not back up its statements with logical, verifiable fact. As a member of the U.N. Security Council, the US has an apparent obligation to go along with the report even if it is faulty and causes is own people to be harmed in the process.

3. Following the U.N.'s emotional stand approximately 1000 scientists of unknown background protested for climate change solutions.  In lock step with the narrow-focused carbon gas theory mindsets, these protesters resorted to emotional pleas instead of fact.  At the heart of the protest, one young person expressed the opinion that scientists deserve to be heeded on face value alone and not provide physical proof of their findings.  

4.  In March/April, several media outlets and government agencies sent out reports of catastrophic changes at the poles and along coast lines.  The reports were so erroneous that they were easily debunked by simple scientific explanation.  It appears that those working in the colder regions of the planet have difficulty recognizing what is and is not a freezing temperature on the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales.  Rest assured that at all times throughout the forty years of climate change concern, the polar ice caps have never been in danger of being above freezing.  In similar fashion, the  long history of measuring sea level by how far the tide comes in, was at the heart of this scientific folly. Scientists' use of computers for modeling could not compute the ever changing forces of gravity, hydraulics, erosion and planet rotation. What was reported as oceans rising was little more than the natural action of erosion on the beaches which varies greatly from place to place and day to day. 

5. Recently, The Atlantic and The Guardian have posted well written articles highlighting the weaknesses in the knowledge base of our scientific community and lack of basic understanding of how the environment works (so much for the impact of STEM funding) as well as the questionable use of closed research studies to gain status and funding for programs.  Both expressed important findings regarding the unreliable nature of the conclusions drawn in the climate change fight. Mainstream media has also become more cautious in how they report scientific data choosing to look at solutions rather than focus on cause. 

Where We Stand?

For all practical purposes, the World is in the same position it was a year ago. 

Regardless of the Iffy nature of current climate change information, the countries of the G7 still hold fast to the idea of carbon-gas being to blame for the apparent warming of the Earth. Very much focused on solutions that can be marketed, these countries ignore the climate studies that disagree with their assumptions. 

India, which has experienced extreme weather for some time, has developed studies which are contradictory to the findings of  the U.N. report.  While every one agrees that climate change exists, what causes or defines climate change is still up for debate. Like the author of Air Pollution's the Answer! How Clean Air Policy Compromise the Plane and Public Health, India tends to side with other causes for the clear skies which now allow the sun to bake the country.  

Isn't it interesting that the countries which now have mild weather seem the most determined to remove CO2 gases from the atmosphere while others which have long endured periods of drought see clear skies and little rain as a far more concerning situation.

Unfortunately as long as industrialized nations are looking for a way to make money off of climate change, there will be no real solution for any of planet Earth's citizens.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Covid-19: The Science Behind Chicken Soup’s Effectiveness Against Illness

** As the Summer COVID surge begins, we hope this reminds sufferers that vaccines only work when partnered with good nutrition.  Other options which are just as good are chicken salad sandwiches with a tall glass of lemonade, Black Bean salads with whole wheat crackers and even fresh (not imported) strawberries, almonds, sharp white chedder and a crusty roll with sweet cream butter. Food is more than just gas for your body, its a prescription for long life and health. Just remember the protein.

It was always going to happen. Like gum on the bottom of your favorite pair of shoes, COVID was going to come back to remind us that healthcare has its limitations and that the best way to be COVID free is to think prevention not cure.  

Is it possible that there has always been a natural, easy to take, immune supporting regimen that is inexpensive and resistant to supply chain issues?  As old wives tales go, it should be no surprise that chicken soup is as scientifically sound a preventative as masks and social distancing. Besides, it tastes a WHOLE lot better!

A Summer Wave of COVID

During a promotional tour for her new book, Dr. Deborah Birx, former White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, predicted a summer wave of COVID cases as the virus, yet again, mutates and skirts around efforts to control it.  Unlike her colleague, Dr. Anthony Fauci who tends to make impassioned pleas and dooms-day warnings, Birx's statements are well in line with long standing immunology standards which anticipate flare-ups during periods of low humidity. (Common Cold, John Hopkins)

The take away from that statement should not be fear of the future but knowledge that this is not a NEW normal but the continuation of a pattern that existed long before the pandemic.  

We, also, need to remember that the use of antibiotics and strong drugs is still a very young science with natural limitations. The hard pill to swallow here is acknowledging that a prescription pad cannot replace food as the foundation for our health.  Strange that we wouldl abandon a proven method of illness prevention so quickly as healthcare expanded.

Why is Preventing Illness so Hard?

For the sake of time and space, let''s just say resourcefulness is its own worst enemy. Over the last 100 or so years, our desire for new ways to handle ordinary jobs has complicated everything from food production and transportation to healthcare and charitable efforts.  Without consideration for how Nature operates, those intent on protecting people form illness instead created a perfect environment for illnesses to grow and prosper.  Food is the last remaining natural method of prevention and even that has become less reliable.

How can Chicken Soup be Scientifically Relevant?

This analysis is based on the study of Organic Chemistry not meteorology or environmental science. Not all science disciplines support the current position of climate advocates and worry that their push for action could further compromise all life forms.

For some reason, environmental advocates focus on how Nature looks rather than how it works. As a result, these actions have disrupted Natures' nutrient supply chain, not only for wildlife but for people as well.  Current environmental policies restrict or remove the very elements that all life needs most--Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium, Chlorine, Iodine, Fluorine, Bromine, and Iron.  It's not a surprise that these elements make up a large portion of today's vitamin supplements and prescription drugs.  Truly, a complicated way of being healthy, isn't it?

Why Chicken Soup Works so Well

Here's what chicken soup does for the body and why it helps people recover from stress and illness as completely as its reputation states.

Follow our recipe or adapt your own for a home remedy that works naturally to strengthen the immune systems and rebuild damaged tissue. 

  • Water - With 70% of the body made up of water, consuming a food that already has water as a main ingredient helps digestion work better.  From a science standpoint though, it isn't the water but what's in it that makes the real difference. Ideally, you are using tap water.  If that is the case, this soup is off to a good start with trace amounts of minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Iron, and Potassium. Actually, the popular mindset of "pure" water does the planet a disservice by robbing them of nutrients which count on water to distribute them equitably. For an even better concentration of these trace minerals, boil the chicken, skin and bones included, and use the broth as the basis for your soup.  Even using one chicken leg can make a perfectly wonderful soup a quick dinner.

  • Chicken -  It's Nitrogen and Sulfur that matter here. These two elements are the chemical difference between white sugar and a quality protein that keeps the brain, heart and lungs in good condition.  Regardless of whether you do this old-school or start with a can of cooked chicken, nitrogen and sulfur will be part of the package. Strange that vaccines only work when high levels of protein are consumed as protein is a main component of anti-bodies.  Even in the wake of COVID, Nitrogen and Sulfur compounds are heavily restricted by EPA guidelines.  Most animal feeds, organic as well as standard, include chemical forms of these nutrients since they are no longer readily available in nature.

  • Yellow onions, Spices and Vegetables - Yellow is nature's way of telling people that Sulfur is present. The mineral is so important that it has its own color.   Yellow onions, mustard seed, turmeric and corn, not only add flavor and visual appeal but deliver an element that increases insulin and methionine production. Insulin helps regulate blood sugar while methionine is essential to heart and liver repair along with reproductive capabilities.  Dozens of articles on the National Institute of Health website speak to the restorative powers of sulfur but most focus on its potential as a medical treatment without concern for the environment impact.  EPA documents claim that sulfur has been virtually eliminated from the atmosphere for over forty years. As a natural barrier against bacteria and fungus, it is more than a coincidence that the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and the 2020 COVID outbreak occurred during a time of low atmospheric sulfur that resulted from a conscious move away from fossil fuels.

  • Salt - Sodium, Chlorine and Iodine are all in that pinch of salt you add to any dish. While medical professionals warn against salt, evidence links a lack of it to everything from weak muscles, bladder control issues and dementia to respiratory illness and the rise of cancer.  Sodium regulates fluids in the body and is connected to such conditions as dry eye, a lack of saliva (tooth decay) and sinus problems. It may even play into the development of glaucoma. Chlorine is an ingredient of many OTC cold medications and was widely used for the treatment of COVID.  Iodine is linked to the production of hormones that regular metabolism and is considered by some as a natural guard against cancer. It is now one of the most prescribed medication for low thyroid function and cancer diagnoses. For thousands of years, people understood a diet without salt led to poor health and mental decline.  Why do we still belirve it is harmful to our health?

  • Crackers, Noodles, or Rice - Finally, we get around to an energy source.  Everything that is listed above will likely be retained in the body for a while.  But these fillers that make soup satisfying offer a steady supply of energy to the body.  Made up of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen (the three biggies in the body), these foods may be touted by medical professionals but offer little else than energy.  A diet heavy in grains will sustain life but eventually cause it to break down for lack of protein. Neither do these popular foods support the creation of anti-bodies EVEN if you are fully vaccinated. Another reason for what is called Long COVID is the body's natural defense mechanism breaking down its own bones and large muscles (even the heart itself) to create anti-bodies.  By receiving multiple boosters, a person could cause the body to break down lung and brain tissue to make anti-bodies that were never needed.  Too much of anything is never good in nature. 

The Question That is Before US

For some time, scientists have talked around this issue using big words and strange theories.  What they have been trying to tell us for sometime is that a choice is necesary. 

Do we want blue skies, clean air and pur water or do we want good health and predictable weather? Nature will not allow us to have both. 

All the carbon removal in the World will not restore us to good health because what is making us (and the planet) sick was removed forty years ago.  It isn't pesticides or plastic bottles or even our food that needs to change. It is our attitude to a bit of smoke, smelly gasses and rainy days that needs to become more tolerant. When we are comfortable with those three naturally occurring events then maybe, just maybe, we will solve climate change and become healthy again.