CNN White Christmas Map
** A year ago , this article was posted to highlight the climate change hype that had NBC reporters concluding that the days of a White Christmas were all but over as a result of climate change. NOW, the media is bemoaning the appearance of snow as a prophecy of climate change. The facts have not changed nor has the science. Snow, rain and drought are a function of human civilization. We strip the atmosphere of naturally occurring gases and wonder why it isn't raining. Then the World reverts to fossil fuels because of a War in Ukraine and we complain because now we have too much weather. Oh and that volcano in Hawaii is likely doing its job to bring rain and snow to the mountains of Mexico and the US. As long as governments think politically instead of scientifically, the World will bounce back and forth between good weather and bad. Replacing fossil fuels to punish a country only harms the environment and the World's citizens.
Original Text Below
like a high school clique than a knowledgeable group of writers looking
to spread good news on Christmas, NBC's climate change reporters share
more similarities with the popular kids' table than many would like to
admit. We have all seen it and some of us have even been a part of that
highly restrictive, narrow-focused mindset that feigns superiority
while being ignorant of even the basic principles of good form.
Thursday's Future White Christmas coverage during the NBC Nightly News
airing was not only disappointing in its timing but also wildly
prejudicial in blaming the unseen and undefined evil of our
time--Climate Change. Declining White Christmases--Truth or Hype?
change coverage today is a popularity game. There are three things you
must have to be considered an enlightened media source. Those three
things are simple: 1) Do not offer any scientific explanation, just
trends 2) Use math to make things seem awful 3) Find an expert who
belongs to the same doom-n-gloom club. NBC does that very well. It is a
shame they are not interested in looking at climate change as a
function of changing times rather than the end-of-the-World scenario
that gets viewer attention. Read on if you would like to get some
relevant information that explains why different locations may or may
not see snow for Christmas. A La Nina Year On
October 14, 2021, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration) announced the official presence of the La Nina phase in
the Pacific Ocean. La Nina years typically mean warmer and drier weather
during the winter months for at least the lower half of the country.
Regardless of climate change, these years have always meant a year with
little or no snow for many locations. NBC is well aware of this
phenomenon and reported on it in October. Instead of explaining that La
Nina was going to make it more difficult for snow to form, this
reporter went to the blame-climate-change format and took the easy, and
politically correct, way out. Math Misused To
be expected, the reporter and expert compared trends by referring to
mathematical differences between now and the 1980s. Acknowledging that
in 1980 ( which just so happens to be one of the most erratic weather
years on record), half of the country saw snow while only 40% of the
country now enjoys the event, the viewer is left with the impression
that the country is losing our White Christmas legacy. While technically
correct, using math as factual proof of climate change without
understand how those numbers were obtained, amounts to spreading
misinformation no matter how accurate the computation. Interestingly,
several media outlets have published similar articles based on a NOAA
press release which manipulates the number even further to tug at the
emotional heartstrings of readers. (Reminder: President Biden's climate
change funding is being held up at the present time and NOAA may have
written the piece in support of this funding) Snow: A Fickle Flake If
you live in the band of the country where the Jet Stream moves up and
down on a regular basis, your understanding of weather and climate
change is completely different than those who live in the upper
Northeast, the Pacific Coast and the Gulf Coast. You learn early on
that snow only happens under the right conditions and it is
temperamental a best. Just the right combination of air movement,
temperature and moisture are needed. If that doesn't sound like a
rarity, factor in the weaker upper atmosphere that is the result of
Clean Air policies and mining of gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, and
carbon dioxide for use in the healthcare, cryogenics and food storage
industries. You see snow only occurs in the upper atmospher and when
there isn't enough movement and moisture WAY up in the atmosphere, snow
simply doesn't have the chance to form. The future of our White
Christmas may have more to do with how strictly the EPA regulates the
atmosphere than anything else in the environment. Human Interference Have
you heard the phrase "Comparing Apples to Oranges"? It generally means
that people try to treat difference situations as the same (Apples and
Oranges are both fruit) when they are basically very different (applies
are many different colors, Oranges are. . well. . orange. You get the
drift). This happens all the time with climate change studies which
from a science perspective makes most of the findings invalid. These
interesting facts show how we, as in humans, are likely more to blame by
our simple presence than any weather related reason for a reduction in
snow fall. One
third of the US population wasn't here in 1980. That's 100 million
people who are giving off heat in an environment that has not changed
that much. A simple one degree increase in ambient air temperature
because of all those people would be enough to disrupt snow production.
Sad but true. There are 80 million more vehicles giving off
heat, regardless of fuel source, than 40 years ago. That is in addition
to the approximately 175 million cars, truck and other vehicles that
were in use in 1980. A bit of additional heat is the difference between
beautiful snow and cold rain. The increase in buildings needed
to accommodate 330 million people that now call the United States home
extends into places that have never been used for homes before.
Buildings, like people and cars, give off heat and can warm the air near
the ground causing any snow that does form to melt before it reaches
the ground. Larger buildings such as warehouses, high rise apartments
and office buildings can break the flow of air that is necessary for
crystals to form. Progress comes with a cost.
In Conclusion By
now, you are beginning to see that what authority figures and advocates
call climate change might just be unrealistic expectations. The world
of fifty years ago was fundamentally different because there was less of
all the things mankind must have to survive. The additional 4 billion
people of the world have done nothing wrong There is a price that
mankind has paid in poorer health, less wealth and more chaotic lives
because of our dependence on every convenience. That price includes less
chance for a White Christmas in many areas of the country. All we have
to do to bring it back to reduce our heat signature (not related to
carbon footprint) and welcome a more simplistic lifestyle. Regrettably,
NBC, other media outlets and most of all our government is more
interested in economic growth than bringing back predictable weather.
More is the shame that like high school, the kids at the popular table,
make life miserable for the rest of us. |