**. As of April 1, the U.N. has given countries a three year pass to address greenhouse gas emissions. While still holding tight to the plan of a zero fossil fuel, plant-based diet world, this move may be the first step in walking back the agency's strong commitment to the questionable science of global warming.
Leave it to the United States Senate to unanimously agree to yet another environmental adaptation that is completely contrary to the natural order of things--all while spending millions of dollars on climate change initiatives that are equally at cross purposes with the environment. With the shock of their decision comes the opportunity to explain how the Uniform Time Act of 1966 plays a part in the inaccurate data collection that we now culturally refer to as Global Warming.
As the Supreme Court mulls over whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the constitutional authority to regulate the environment, it finally seems the time to point out how the short sighted actions of 535 members of Congress sent the country on a path of climate concern and anxiety. Believing in its own immunity from unintended consequences, Congress must now come to terms with the false data and conclusions its decisions created over the last sixty years.
Why Daylight Savings Time?
The concept of time zones and Daylight Savings Time came about in the late 1800s and early 1900s during a prolonged period of scientific exploration that gave the World everything from modern appliances and the telephone to electric power and the automobile. When man realized he could travel faster than the earth did, some system had to be devised in order for global society to function. The equator was divided into 24 sections and imaginary lines were drawn to the poles, each section represented a different hour in a day. Daylight Savings time came about when the 4 am natural summer sunrises fell out of favor with modern society in northern climates.

Is Global Warming Theory Even Accurae?
To begin with, it needs to be repeated that all this concern is about a mere 3 degree F elevation in temperatures. Basing all of its recommendations on this small increase, the United Nations recommends converting to solar and wind power and eliminating all use of fossil fuels in the next thirty years. Celebrity advocates such as Bill Gates, likewise, push to make similar changes which would cost trillions of dollars in infrastructure without any verifiable proof that such an increase is actually occurring. With the prediction that this increase in overall temperature would melt polar ice caps and glaciers, its easiest to show the true effect of such an increase by applying that scenario to the Antarctic.
The United States Antarctic Program (www.usap.gov) estimates the HIGH summer temperature on the Antarctic mainland to be 14 degrees F. Even if the world's temperature increased by 3 degrees, the polar ice cap would still be well below freezing at 17 degrees F. On the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point is 32 degrees not zero as it is on the Celsius scale.
What's Wrong with Global Warming Data?
The first rule of good scientific experimentation is consistency and controlling the variables of time, place, procedures and so on. The second rule is have a specific idea of what you are trying to prove. As far as public information goes, no clear plan for data collection or a clear understanding of what global warming means seems to exist. The current definition of an increase of no more than 1.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius in not specific enough to fairly represent all location on Earth.
Consider these observations before jumping to conclusions and end-of-the-World predictions.
* Not all the World is hot or cold at the same time. A 100 degree day in the Mojave Desert (Western Hemisphere, US) is balanced by a 25 degree night in the Sahara Desert (Eastern Hemisphere, Africa)
* A 60 degree difference between summer and winter daily highs occurs in many parts of the World particularly in the temperate locations of the World). Example New York City reaches 100 degrees during the day in August but averages 40 degrees in February. Antarctica also has such a temperature swing as documented on the USAP.org website.
* Two-thirds of the planet is covered by water but air temperatures on the ocean are rarely included in global warming data. If they are included they use water temperature instead of air temperature which adds even more inconsistency to the study.
*Population centers are used more often than any other location because of the ease of getting information. However, willingly avoiding rural and mountainous areas skews the results toward higher temperatures could be considered cherry-picking of information to make the data fit the conclusion. Statistical modeling can easily be manipulated to suit the purpose of the study.
** To learn more about how government sanctioned studies have compromised the study of climate change, consider purchasing the authors book on the subject available at Barnes and Noble Book stores and other retailers.